Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winston Furniture Range Manufacturer

It's been soo soo much time has passed and much has happened, unbelievable. First, there were
birthday parties, including my own which I celebrated together with M:).
Then school volleyball games and the usual.
Also, I was last week again spontaneously at Primark and of course I again a couple of nice particle taken:

belt, 3 €
was especially a nice accessory for the
, hippie party'', but the red tights
he makes himself very well determined: ).

blouse, 15 €

blouse, 6 €
seems so added a bit dull,
but I think it fits great with my dark blue chino!

Also I bought some black lace up,
I forgot to photograph them, however.
the things I would but surely the days anyway again, dressed in shooting '
, then I ran to the shoes.

Then I want to show you a picture,
which gave me my friend painted for his birthday.
It is soo beautiful!
I just have to find the perfect place:).

Purple Line


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