Monday, February 7, 2011

Funeral Guestbook Condolences



From mooncatsscrapkits I got an award.


are the rules of the award
thank the person from whom you received the award,
in a post and link them in the mail.

Tell us 7 things about you

Give the award to 15 recently l I discovered new B l Ogger.
Contact this B l Ogger and l ass' they know
that they have received the award.

7 things about me

1) I would like to emigrate to South

2) I love Turkish food

3) Your garden gate is broken and
no mercy to repair it ...
sometimes we are just too lazy -
is a well made difficult by the cold!

4) I'm filthy proud of my husband!

5) years I was quite Dolle
the brother of my best friend's crush

6) I cut my fingernails do not like,
are often far too long!

7) I want a child

this award I give this one on to





Apfelbaeckchen magazine

Bieber Ella

Biggis-Fun Land

Collchens works

The small crown

Outside pot only!

Jewly-Luxury * order * a difference

Katrin's Country Life

kelly witch house

soap animal

uniku4u unique individual pieces

... are not discovered recently, but I regularly read


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