Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Disable Poptropica Account

mixed ...

today are probably quite a few names, and read to my left in his post ... first I want to wish you a wonderful wednesday and thank you for your kind comments gaanz. oh that is fun! :-)), It is incredible - so much I am sometimes asked: "why I blog so much ????", really think I then again, how beautiful it is, the things on the blog to share and to be able to hold on again. or "how I used to get along just any blog"? :-)) And see above all without the ideas of your blogs and the "swim" in the whole beautiful? :-)

about melanie ( ) I'm currently playing out about Nina's great instructions, pay at t to apply-shirts ( - yes I said it, now it is both name and left :-) Swarm) thanks to you two! because I think this will be my project of the week! :-)

I would like to thank you for the great award dream workshop for!

is connected with the award:

"write 7 things about you":

  • new realization: "PlayMais" is a great thing for a creative-birthday :-) I PlayMais knew from a course in youth art school that I attended with my daughter. infected but really we have only nina , who told me of it again .... thank you :-))
  • second lesson: to "play mais" can do owls too :-)

  • this was the content of the package that eintrudelte me yesterday, and now he has to settle here first :-)

  • I am looking forward immensely to our North Sea holiday end of April ....

  • idea: cards for monetary gifts can be great with play money-making seem. to get it for little money in each toy-store or in the department store toy department.

  • these bookmark calendar I love everything about it, because it my childhood to my reminds

  • the jeanne d'arc living is my current favorite-deco- magazine: pass

I want the award to "my daily blog round":

and the blog by monika (welcome as a new reader!), which is still quite fresh, which I find very welcoming and definitely could use a few clicks :-)))

the sequence is absolutely no priority-list ... but somehow you have to list the blogs from :-)) I want to thank you gaanz thank for the great blogs and the many inspirations! and of course again in the dream workshop - your blog and the idea behind it I find absolutely great! :-)

and besides, there are of course very many other wonderful blogs that I like.

for today love all greetings!


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