Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Welcome To Our Practice Letter


Oh is it nice to know that this year we no longer need to School . Today
was then nice dinner with friends at Va Piano and exchanged gifts the elves.
As always, everyone was super creative;).

look: I

This cute little box I got from Celina,
I think I will use for my hair pins and Zopfgummis,
maybe I lose it then not so fast! :) Have

The picture given to me, Mona and Isa,
the images we can make in August at Picture People.
Nen place I've also already found:

's the hoody from Primark,
is something I look bedröppelt,
see the best way not quite sure: D.

So and then I will now fully looking forward to Christmas.
The presents are even almost all concerned.
Actually I did not want me this year as stress
and you buy all the gifts more.
But probably I will always hunt the shops tomorrow:).

love Christmas greetings,
Purple Line


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